After riding with John and Kelly for a while, I met back up with Dean in Laos. Unfortunately, to do this I ended up skipping northern Laos, which is supposed to be the best riding. Because I wanted to do some remote exploring with Dean, I will have to visit northern Laos on another trip. We had fun doing a loop around Pakxe. Ok. Less words… more photos. Actually, I’m going to only use photos this post. I gotta get caught up somehow!!!

Human power was more common in Laos than any other country I've seen. People would be walking around in the most random of places pushing or carrying things.

This French guy was part of the MANY accidents of backpackers who rent scooters in Laos. It was very common to see people at hostels hanging out covered in bandages. If you rent a scooter, wear safety gear! This guy who we thought was seriously banged up just had a minor scratch on his leg. His scooter was unable to continue until we applied a dose of the engineering THWACK (hammer) to the foot peg.

Again.. no matter where we were or how remote we thought we were, there were people everywhere. They were always friendly and curious

I unfortunatley didn't get a good photo of this machine. I'm not exactly sure what it does, but I think it pumps water up from the river up the river bank to village. There was a woman bathing there and giving me the evil eye when I took out the camera so I just quickly snapped this photo with my little sony camera.

I think the only time we take photos are when we're in the water. That was really the only time that we were off the bike. It was a great ride!

Another tractor cruisor showing us how a river crossing should be done. Also, if you look to the right of the frame, you can see how a woman stays modest while she bathes herself in the river.

Always an audience... These guys were just chit chatting and I was speaking back at them in Thai. The question was always, "How much gas in that tank?" I learned to say 28 liters in several languages.

The DRZ is the ultimate adventure touring machine. I cheated this time and took off my bags because I knew we were just doing a loop.
AMAZING photos Dave!
Real nice man, keep it up!
Looks like a blast. Keep the pics comin.
What an incredible journey. Makes me want start ordering some DRZ touring parts.
She’s a great touring bike!!!