daveg travels Rotating Header Image


Why are you taking another trip?

The timing was right– My original plan in returning from my TDF trip was to move from Houston upon my return. But because of the condition of the economy, I was very grateful to have a job to come back to and decided that working another year and waiting out the economic storm was the best course of action. Once I return to the USA from my trip, I move somewhere else… somewhere that has mountains!

What are you bringing with you?

Check out my packing list.


Route Map

Where are you going?

Check out my route page. Who knows for sure where I’ll end up, but that was my plan.

Are you afraid that you won’t be able to communicate with the locals?

Well, yeah I am, but I’ll get by. Unfortunately my spanish skills will be useless in Asia, but I should be able to figure out what the Australians are saying eventually and the rest of the world speaks a little english. In the non-english speaking world I plan to study Russian(if it is useful.. any ideas? I’m still not sure).

What kind of traveling have you done in the past?

As a kid, I traveled a bit with the family. Maybe that is what started it all. In college, I did the typical american style backpack Europe thing where you have a tiny amount of time and see as much as possible. It was an insane pace, but it was still a good time. Once I started the real world is when I really started to expand my horizons. I took a few motorcycle trips around Texas and Mexico which all led up to the Texas to Tierra del Fuego trip.


Are you afraid of being robbed again?

Honestly, yes.. but I’m going to try to make good decisions and stay safe this time.

How much time are you taking?

I don’t know. It depends on how long it takes. I hope to pick up some work along the way which may extend things.

What kind of work are you looking for?

I’m interested in doing some remote internet based work back in the USA if I can. If you know of any programming or systems administration gigs, please contact me!!

What are you doing for money? Traveler’s checks?

No! Never even seen one. Well, I’ve seen one once and it was a huge pain to get it cashed. I’m using two debt cards: a visa and a master card. They’re different ATM networks and every ATM will support either one of the two.


What are you doing with your dog INDY?


INDY is staying at my parent’s house because of the regulations regarding dog ownership in Connecticut, learn more at the link. While I’d like to say he’s missing me, I’m pretty sure he’s OK.