
Thanks Alex for showing me around Thailand and for posting on the Tent Space over on advrider. Without meeting you, I'd probably be rotting away on Khao San Road.

Thanks Elsa and Tim for your immense help. It was really great to become good friends Elsa. No matter what I end up, ya'll are always welcome to stay for MONTHS at my house :). Thank you so much for everything.
Thanks Jordan from Delta Airlines for fixing my ticket for free. I really appreciate the time you took finding the alternative flight then waiving the change fee!!
Thanks Iain from Touratech in Seattle. Not only did you give me more confidence with my choice of riding the DRZ RTW, but I appreciate all the tips!
Thanks Dick and Kathy for letting me stay at your awesome place. It was great meeting you and learning about Bees and many other random topics. Meeting two bee keepers in one trip. I don’t see how things can get better. One day I will have bees!
Thanks for the lambchops at the HU Petrolia meeting. I wish I could remember yours and your husband’s name.. but I do remember that your son’s border collie’s name was Spot. Those lambchops were great!
Thanks Al for helping me out with the sprocket change and for shipping the laptop. I still don’t believe I left it at your place or that ya’ll lived in Mongolia for a year!
Thanks Richard for letting me stay in your RV!
Thanks Erick and the rest of the folks at Race Tech. Ya’ll did a really great job and I appreciate your support.
Thanks Mr. and Ms. Keighley. It was great seeing you and the Bakers after so many years.
Thanks Geri and Mike for the letting me stay in the guest room and the bike troubleshooting. I’m still trying to develop my beer pallet.
Thanks Dave and Claire for letting me stay at your house with all the good company and food! Ya’ll rule!