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About the Bike section updated

Check out the update I did on the About the Bike page.  I spent way too much time playing in photoshop trying to find a good way to display graphically the changes I made to the bike.

Annotated Changes of the Suzuki DRZ 400 set up for Adventure Touring

Another Thailand update is coming soon.  I really like it here!


  1. Steve says:

    Dude, this looks pretty nice. Still happy you chose a lighter bike? Or would you recommend something else? I am already thinking about a next trip….This time not on an oldtimer

  2. daveg says:

    Still happy.. even though I was driving around California for a week at 110 km/h. I haven’t done much fun offroad. But I met a couple who rode around Mongolia– and based on their description, I’ll be very happy with my choice once I get there.

  3. Clive Hale says:

    Dave – you must get up to to Mae Hong Son and ride the road to Chiang Mi. 1864 curves in 200kms and all on good tarmac. Some of the hairpins will require 1st gear!! Enjoy Sawadee Kap!

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