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French Toast in Kansas City and brewing the RTW IPA in Chicago

Back when I first moved to Houston, I was on a quest to find the perfect french toast after finding the nearly perfect Austin Java Co‘s version.  I tried probably 10 different places over a period of a couple of months and basically gave up on the quest.  Upon trying my Mom’s “lost bread” in Missouri, I realized that I was apparently searching for a recreation of Momg’s french toast.  I remember liking it as a kid, however as my tastes developed, so did my love of her french toast.

What goes into Momg’s french toast?

Momg's french toast ingredients

I’d love to share a recipe with quantities and all, but I can’t because we don’t measure anything in our family.  We use typical quantities of everything except probably double or triple the amount of finest vanilla you can find.  As Momg says, “Good ingredients, good food”.  She also uses thick cuts of good bread that is either stale or intentionally left out over night in the open on the counter (away from dogs).

French toast preparation

Then on a preheated griddle, cook the french toast slowly so that the custard is completely cooked inside the bread.

The end result.

I ended up spending quite a bit of time with the family in Missouri and really enjoyed myself.  I arranged my flight out of Chicago so I could visit my sister and my friend Vanessa.  My sister lives in downtown Chicago in a sweet condo so I got a nice taste of the urban life.

My friend Vanessa has a blog about trying to open a brewery in Chicago.  She graciously brewed an IPA honoring my trip, the “RTW IPA”.    I love IPAs!  Hopefully it will still be good when I return next year.  I can’t wait to try it!

My sister and I were there for brew day and we had a fun take making and learning about beer.  We got there a little late so we missed the grinding of the ingredients, but we arrived in time to wait and watch the water heat up.


Vanessa brewing it up


The RTW IPA ready for dark storage

To make a Good Day even better, we went to a Bulls game where not only did the Bulls win, but we won a free Big Mac because they scored over 100 points!

Two days later I head to head to the airport for Thailand!  Finally!!!

One Comment

  1. Dave Jones says:

    Le sel francaise c’ect le cle pour le pain perdu

    Surprising, but the French salt is really the key to French toast. A recipe that is actually part of the French cooking scene. It literally translates to Lost Bread.

    Enjoy ….


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