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To Laos!

Sugar cane driver

Sugarcane truck drive in I-San

The end of an era is soon.  I will be leaving my Thailand to check out a new country — Laos.  I don’t know much about it, I haven’t even opened up my Lonely Planet to Laos.

Today’s ride was pretty fatiguing.  It was 330km of asfalt and a tiny bit of dirt while trying to avoid some city traffic.  We probably spent more time driving slowly through the dirt and taking wrong turns (me in the lead, following GPS!) than it would have if we had driven through town.

We’ve been in the I-San area of Thailand.  There are sugar cane plantations everywhere with overfilled trucks dropping sugarcanes all over the road.

My hotel room overlooks the Mekong River.  The water level is low and is mostly sandbar.


  1. I documented yearly Laos rides from 2005 thru 2010 in my website. Just click on the Ride index for any year from 2005 to 2010 and you’ll find the ride tales. You might find some of the information helpful. I included maps and lodging data. It’s my favorite place to ride.

  2. goh mia chun says:

    hi Thor, nice to see u here at Dave’s website. what a small world.


    Happy your adventure is going well. Thanks for Photo. GLS

  4. daveg says:

    Hey Thor! Yeah, I’ve read through your website a few times. There’s alot of good stuff there.

    I just had a great Laos ride… tons of water crossings and heaps of dust :)

  5. Alex Bailey says:

    Passed you again on the way to Kong Lor. Hope you enjoyed the caves!

  6. damo says:

    Great reading.Did you have any problems getting over the border into Laos?

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